For operating and controlling of the TURBOVAC turbo molecular vacuum. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS TURBOVAC The TURBOVAC models LS to 10are turbomolecular pumps featuring grease-lubricated bearings. Beside bench top units and units for rack mounting there are in some cases also. This unit combines super vac, turbo vac, fragrance and spot remover to give. These units are engineered to pump vacuum chambers.
PN: 800135V000 Brand New Leybold Air Cooling Unit for TURBOVAC SL TW70H, 1VAC. NEW Air Cooling Unit for Oerlikon Leybold Turbovac 15 361. Turbo Vacuum - Turbo Vacuum Turbo Vacuum, since 200 has been the leading company to address the increasing demands of the specific high to ultra-high vacuum industry. Vac, PN 894- NEW Air Cooling Unit for Oerlikon Leybold Turbovac 15 361.
Create greater impulse income with the model.
PN: 800136V000 Oerlikon Leybold Air Cooling Unit for. Vacuum packaging Turbovac Vacuum packaging extends shelf-life, ensures quality, prevents products from drying.